While you might be looking forward to your air conditioner keeping the house cool during the hot summer days ahead, you probably are less enthusiastic about receiving the bill that goes along with those cooler indoor temperatures. As utility prices continue to climb, discovering ways to reduce the money coming out of your pocket each month is crucial with appliances like your AC. Thankfully, we have found steps that customers like you can take to help, and we would like to pass them on to you.

Your Thermostat Is a Great Place to Start

You can instantly begin saving money on your monthly energy bill by adjusting your thermostat to a higher temperature. That simple step could equate to using up to 5% less electricity for each degree you raise your thermostat, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy.

Adjust the thermostat to a higher temperature when no one is at home, and try running it at non-peak hours when the utility company charges less. That allows you to use cold air only when needed and costs less to produce.

Faulty HVAC controls can also cost you. You want to verify that the thermostat sensor is clean and that the controls accurately read the indoor air temperature. Having the thermostat in the best location can also reduce the time your unit is on during each cooling cycle. Our technicians have the experience and training to address these issues, helping you reduce your monthly bill and indoor temperature.

Get the Most Out of Your Home’s Airflow

Fortunately, evening temperatures in South Dakota are relatively cool compared to the daytime highs for most of the summer. Opening windows at night and closing them during the day helps your AC run less often.

Fans do not directly cool down the house but can help circulate cool air and pull body heat away from your skin. Fans can cost a fraction of the money to run compared to an air conditioner and can help reduce the need for lower AC settings or runtimes.

A Little Maintenance Goes a Long Way

Coming out of a cold South Dakota winter, your air conditioner has likely been idle since the previous fall. Scheduling inspections and regular HVAC maintenance can help your equipment run at its best.

Addressing dirty filters, loose wiring, and thermostat calibration helps your AC cool the house faster. Air conditioner components that do not work correctly can take more energy to cool down your home. Our highly trained technicians can inspect your air conditioner and perform the maintenance necessary to prepare it for the hot summer days ahead.

However, you may still occasionally need repairs for issues that arise after a routine maintenance visit. For example, if you notice your AC cycling on and off continuously or if warm air is coming from the vents, something is broken. Call us, and a technician can come to your home, identify the issue, and repair your system quickly.

Upgrading Your AC

Many homes in the Sioux City area have older air conditioners that run poorly due to wear and tear, and there comes a point when repair costs will equal or exceed the price of a new system. Our team can help replace your old air conditioner, saving you money in the long term, especially if you call for repairs several times annually.

You can also save money by upgrading your current air conditioner, even if it is in working order. New AC units have a much higher energy efficiency rating, meaning they use less electricity to cool your home. Modern control technology allows you to run your AC more efficiently than older system controls, requiring less energy to maintain indoor temperatures. Upgrades can also address system inefficiencies like a unit being under or overpowered due to renovations and add-ons to your home.

We Can Help With Your AC and More!

It will only stay hot for a while here in South Dakota before the thermometer starts heading in the other direction, and we can help with your heating needs, too. Our services extend to your electrical and plumbing needs as well. If you need repairs, installations, or replacements on these home systems in Sioux Falls, SD or the surrounding areas, contact Waterbury Heating & Cooling, Inc. today, and discover why our customers have counted on us since 1950 to help maintain their homes!

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