Having hot water is a necessity to do many things in your home, like bathing, laundry or dishes. Traditionally, homes used a water heater with a large cylindrical tank that was responsible for heating up and storing hot water until the homeowner needed it. Now, tankless water heaters are becoming more of the norm due to their many awesome benefits for homeowners across the country.

Hot Water on Demand

Probably the most desirable benefit of a tankless water heater is that it provides an endless stream of hot water. Due to the way that a tankless water heater operates, hot water can run until you run out of gas instead of when you run out of the limited number of gallons in your tank. If you have a battery backup for your electric pilot light, you may even be able to continue to get hot water during a power outage.

Saves Space

Tankless hot water heaters may save a lot of room. The traditional tank-style water heaters require you to have space for a large storage tank. On the other hand, tankless water heaters are small boxes that can be mounted on the wall in a utility closet. One important thing to note when switching to an on-demand tank is that there are specific venting requirements. The device must be able to vent directly to the outside through a wall or roof. If your current system is in the middle section of a basement, your installer will most likely recommend a different location.

Longer Lifespan

Most tankless water heaters come with an estimated lifespan of more than 20 years. Tank-style water heaters, on the other hand, come with an estimated lifespan of between 10 and 15 years. Work with an expert if you have particularly hard water, however, because pipe scaling can reduce the longevity of a tankless heater, just like it does with hot water heater tanks.

Energy Efficient

It’s important to remember that a traditional tank-style hot water heater will have to continue to run. This way, it produces constant heat for the water in its storage tank. Since a tankless water heater only needs to use its heating element whenever you’re calling on water, it uses much less energy. This translates to lower utility bills each month, which any homeowner would love.

Less Maintenance

Because tankless water heaters do not store water inside of them like tank-style water heaters do, they require much less maintenance. With tank-style water heaters, you’re dealing with constant sediment buildup and corrosion. This leads to needing to change out the anode rod every few years to keep your tank in good operation. With a tankless water heater, you don’t have to worry about any of this maintenance. This saves you not only time but money as well.

Easier to Winterize

If you’ve ever winterized a home with a tank-style water heater, then you know it can take quite a long time. You have to hook up a hose and drain the entire tank of water. This can be even more challenging if you don’t have a drain near your hot water heater and you need to transport the water to a sink or even outside. With a tankless water heater, you can drain the water in a couple of seconds. Then, you simply need to unplug the unit. Winterizing is super simple with a tankless hot water heater.

Tax Incentives and Local Rebates

One lesser-known benefit of investing in a tankless-style water heater is that you can take advantage of many different tax incentives and local rebates in your area. The federal government is constantly providing tax incentives for homeowners who are investing in more energy-efficient appliances. Tankless-style water heaters typically fit into this category. Many times, even local municipalities and states will offer some sort of incentive for homeowners who choose to install a tankless water heater in their homes.

Get a Tankless Unit Professionally Installed Today

Waterbury Heating & Cooling, Inc. can assist with all of your tankless water heater needs. We can also help with all of your heating, cooling, plumbing, and electrical needs. Call our office today, and our plumbers will be more than happy to assist you.

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